Introducing Prep4Surg: A Revolutionary App-Based Prehabilitation Approach for Surgical Patients
The Prep4Surg App involves a 3- to 6-week aerobic training program, including a 6-minute walk test (6MWT) at the beginning and end of the training period to measure the progress of moderate to vigorous aerobic interval training. The exercises consist of 3-4 interval training sessions per week (37 minutes of interval training, with 2 minutes of high endurance and 3 minutes of relaxation, plus 5 minutes of warm-up and 5 minutes of cool-down) in a home-based setting. Patients can perform any type of exercise (including hiking, cycling, walking, and running) at any time of day.
The Prep4Surg will be a safe, easy to use data-efficient medical device class IIa and is currently under development and clinical testing.
Workflow diagram of the prehabilitation program
Calculation of an individual, risk-based endurance exercise program for patients scheduled for an elective major surgery is performed. Patients are able to select any type of training and perform a 37 min interval training 3–6 weeks before surgery. HR and distance are measured by a connected wearable device. Alarm signals of the device will assist patients to keep optimal HR. BMI, body mass index; ECOG, Eastern Cooperative OncologyGroup; Hb, hemoglobin; HR, heat rate; RAI, Risk Analysis Index score; TUG, Timed Up and Go-Test.
The app can be used for elective major procedures in:
Monitor your progress
with detailed reports
and analytics.
and optimize
your results.
Get an overview
of your progress
and results achieved.
Analytics and reporting
Access to Patient-level data and aggregated data collections for doctors to track their outcomes.
We use Analytics, generative and predictive AI for summaries, identifying trends and patterns.